2013年1月27日 星期日

Enlarged Paper Sculpture XD

Week 2

From the experience of week 1, I still hope to make some interesting sculptures by cutting the middle of paper in strips and try to create some 3D objects.
At the begining, I planned to create a paper dinosaur, but after I stuck it on the table for making it more 3D, it didn't look like a dinosaur but a strange fish. So at last I added a head for it which is composed by many useless paper.

1 則留言:

  1. I love this artwork very much. Firstly, I believe that this work is made without any tools. It just made it by hands because there are no any tidy breach in the work. Also, I admire her making about the head of this work. She just use some useless paper to making the head. It is natural and special. However, the artwork is very true in any point of view.
